Tuesday, September 14, 2010

It's official

I'm an indoor plant killer...  I don't understand how I do so well in my yard and so poorly in my house.  This time around the cats did help me a bit but still...

Sorry !!
To my visitors, please do not buy me indoor plants. Or fake ones maybe. I swear I won't be offended

Monday, September 13, 2010

Of the side effects of school

This year our little bug is going to the same special program for kids that have language delays. Big change though, it's 5 afternoons a week instead of 4 mornings a week. Big change because it's more time in school, and also because until school start, my little bug still enjoyed almost daily afternoon naps. 

The results of this new schedule is quite interesting: on school nights so far at 6:30PM, 7:00PM tops, the bug clocks out. We had to reorganize the family schedule to have dinner earlier and avoid the "nose dive in the plate" or "crash and burn before putting PJs on". On the plus side, it makes for really quiet and uneventful evenings. I really can't complain except for the part where I don't get as much cuddles before bedtime. Not sure whether this is a transitional phase.  My guess is that bedtime will continue to be earlier than usual for a while. Got to fit your beauty sleep in there :) ... the whole 12 hours our bug seems to need.

Darn I'm jealous! I'm lucky when I get 6.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Fast, faster

Time flies. The summer is already fading away and I can't recall taking the time to enjoy the season. Why does it have to be that life is eaten away by work, chores and other time eating activities and there is barely anything left to breathe, take in the vision of the days and night, the color of flowers and the sparkle of the stars ? All powerful America does not believe in the value of time off. Work, work, work. And work some more. All I want is a bit more time to enjoy all of the sweet things of life.

This summer was just a blur with a few pretty images: 



The summer festivals

The swimming pool in the backyard

Pretty in pink and looking so grown up at time

A great parade

The peaches, necklaces and bangles

Warm weather and flushed cheeks

The scooter !

The Irish princess

And the schoolgirl

Thursday, September 2, 2010

How did September sneak in?

Wow. Already September !! The summer just wizzed by. It is true time flies when you are having fun. No big projects but a million small ones: master bedroom closet and window treatments, furniture shuffle in the office and hallway, finishing touches in the craft studio and the rest of the basement, lots of reorganization, weeding out old stuff. Yay. There is great satisfaction in striking items off the to-do list.

My little bug is excited to go back to school next week, especially since she will still be with the same teacher and some of her schoolmates from last year. The first week will be a bit rough though since the class will be in the afternoons this time, meaning no more naps. We are prepared for some grumpy evenings and early bedtime.

Work has been a lot less hectic the past couple of weeks. It's nice to slow the pace down a bit. It is probably going to pick up a bit until mid-November then we will hit the usual holiday slump.

Off to NY for the weekend. In the hubby's brand new car. Sweet!

- Posted from my iPhone