Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Monster potion number 9

So this is how you fight back monsters : Anti-monster spray. 
Squirt bottle ($1) , Verbena Extract, 1 drop of food coloring, water, a bit of Photoshop to put the label together. 

Not 100% effective but  definitely less tears and lower panic levels than yesterday. Se still ended up crashing in my bed but fell asleep much faster. So far the anti-monster spray gets 3 out of 5 for efficiency. We will give it a couple more days and hope it works better and better.

 Maybe I should get extra-strength Monster spray (red food dye and lavender extract). 


  1. This is such a cute and I'm sure helpful idea! I'll have to remember it for when I have kids!

    Thanks for becoming a follower!


  2. I love this! I'm so stealing your idea for help with Ash and Sean transitioning to the big kid bed. Thank you.
