Monday, July 12, 2010

Rush !!

Today was a run from start to finish.
It started by me oversleeping. I heard the alarm clock .. and fell back asleep. Oops. Quickly went through the morning routine and made it to work on the wire. Errands at lunchtime, more errands after work : Get an air mattress, a set of sheets for it from Target, new cat scratching post from PetSmart, special diet cat food from the Vet's office, straw from the garden center to cover my grass seed, party supplies for saturday. Out of the house at 7:30am, back home at 7:15pm. Sometimes pizza delivery is just what you need!

After dinner a big cuddle with my princess and once she was tucked in I managed to take some pictures of Clara's new wardrobe which I posted on my creative blog: Atelier Caroline

The rest of the week is going to be more rush. Tomorrow night we are having dinner with our British friend Richard who is on vacation in the area. Wednesday evening, Karen, my beloved Canadian friend and colleague who is in the office for the week, is coming for dinner. Thursday will be devoted to tidying up the house. Friday evening, my in-laws will be in town to celebrate their grand-daughter's birthday with us, and I'll have to get all my laundry done because, Saturday, after the birthday party, we are off to the Orioles Park at Camden Yards for a baseball game (the hubby scored fabulous free tickets!!). Oh and I almost forgot brunch on Sunday. Somewhere in all that chaos, I will have to fit a trip to the grocery store and a sanity break!

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