Thursday, April 1, 2010

It goes on and on and on

Ok, I can't stand being bored at work. I have this physical need to be busy. But there is busy and BUSY.  Over the past 3 weeks it's just been one disaster after the other. The work flow is so intense there aren't enough hours in the day just to keep up with the emergencies. Note that emergency is also a matter of perception. Something that you would think is mundane will be of extreme significance in someone else's eyes. And there is of course the "diva" factor. Some clients are like jet-setters: they want everything, right there, right now, regardless of what it takes to deliver. And will stop at nothing to get it. In those situation, it becomes incredibly complicated to handle the workload with the right priority on top. And then there is the add-on stress of your escalation point pushing you under the bus because they don't want to deal with the situation head on with the customer. Sometimes it makes you itch for some serious bitchslapping! It's itching bad lately. Not something you can really do. Not professional. Not politically correct. At least talking about it makes the pressure go down. 

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