Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Fat Tuesday

Busy day! As it turns out it's my week to be filling the on-call duties. So the day started around 1am by a distress call from one of the company's installers. Thankfully, it was  an easy fix. I didn't even have to get out of bed. Of course the hubby was not exactly pleased... took his pillows and went to camp out in the guest bedroom. For a change, I managed to go back to sleep. I'm sure that the lack of back pain helped as well. So when time came to really get up it was not quite as hard as my last on-call week. Yippee!!. 

Ok I still had to go to work. Made a few happy people with some of the Valentine's cookies baked on Sunday. 2 emergency calls and cup of coffee later it was already lunchtime. I like when days go by so fast. It means that it's busy and my team and I make good things happen for our installers. Rewarding. Lunch with my boss was nice too. I took some pictures of the walls of snow in the parking lot, scary... Yes it's my boss standing in front of the pile. Afternoon was quiet and I was able to catch up on some long overdue stuff. Like writing technical solutions. And that's sometime in the afternoon that I finally realized it's one of my favorite days in the year:  Fat Tuesday.. or rather Mardi Gras. 

Somewhere in there, I had to squeeze another doctor's appointment, a visit to Home Depot (gotta get a color picked for the dining room still) and a few more odds and ends. I still had to do something about Mardi Gras.Ahh Mardi Gras. When I was a child and even as a teenager, it meant going to school in dress up clothes, eat candy and chocolate. And of course the crepes!! I love crepes. Sweet or savory. So tonight on the way home, I had no other choice than to stop at the grocery store and get some eggs. Tonight everybody was happy to dig in, including my favorite picky eater :) 

Other news on the home front, the new lock got delivered, Yay!! And the hubby already installed it, double Yay!! So I won;t have to be worried about being stuck outside. Oh and I have my own override gizmo too. Lastly, after diner, I slapped a patch of each of the sample colors I picked on the dining room wall for us to look at in the daylight tomorrow. Oh and we won't get snow after all. Or maybe just a dusting. A pretty good day. Hoping for more of the same for the rest of the week. 

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